Re: Autochrome

Luis Nadeau (
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 12:00:12 -0300

At 10:24 PM +0100 97/08/21, Dennis Klinker wrote:

>>505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
>Hi Dick In the Summer 1994 Volume 18 No 2 of the History Of Photography
>Magazine there appeared a very interesting series of articles on
>Autochrome on Being The Autochrome Process from concept to Prototype by
>Bertrand Lavedrine and Jean-Paul Gandolfo woth checking out.I would love
>to see a modern day equivalant of this beautiful process.I was recently
>reading a book on Moholy Nagy where he draws similarities between
>autochrome and Seurat.In the next issue of the Alt Photo Review i
>mention a book recently published with the illustrations printed on
>acetate so one gets more of a feel of the original.

The book is by Nathalie Boulouch. It's based on her doctoral thesis which I
saw at the Société Française de Photographie last year. I just pulled this
out of my notes:

>Les Autochrome Lumières (collection privée de la famille Lumière)
>"Préface: Monsieur Maurice Trarieux-Lumière, petit-fils de Louis Lumière.
>Textes: Mademoiselle Nathalie Boulouch, Docteur en Histoire de l'Art,
>auteur d'une thèse sur l'Autochrome à l'Université Paris I.
>Conception et direction artistique: Monsieur Alain Scheibli.
>Conception graphique: Monsieur Eric Malarte.
>Réalisation: Alain Scheibli Editions.
>Cet ouvrage de réference de l'autochromie, format 28*32 cm."

>Alain Scheibli Editions
>120, rue de Sèze
>69006 Lyon, France

The latter is the publisher's address. Expect to pay about 600FF +shipping.
This book must have cost a fortune to produce.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada