> There has been some discussion about what kind of UV bulbs to get and whether to
> vent the light source or not. Here is my two cents. I built my light source usi
> ng the guidelines that Luis Nadeau describes in his book, History and Practice of
> Platinum Printing. I used GTE Sylvania F20/350BL tubes that are 2 feet long. Lui
> s also says they come in 4 feet length's as well. I got them from a local light d
> istributor called Arizona Wholesale, there phone is 602-258-7901. I paid $26.48 e
> a. They were the most expensive part of the project. My exposure time for a norma
> l negative is about 10 min.
> The important thing about ventilation is letting the ballasts breath. If they get
> to hot they will over heat and shut down until they cool enough to restart. Whe
> n I use the light source, I turn it on for at least 30 min. before my first expos
> ure for the bulbs to stabilize and I keep the unit on until I'm through with the
> printing session. I also have the light source in another room other than were I'
> m coating and processing the images so ultraviolet exposure to myself is not a pr
> oblem.
> Russ Gilbert
> --
Another factor I found is distance from the lights to the image
surface, I use about 3-4". And achive a time from 3min to 10min,
depending on the process. I just use plain old uv lights from Home
Depot for about 8.50$ each, and 4 of them space about an 1 1/2 to 2
inches a part
and I'd also like to remind you to
take a nice nap this afternoon,
as I think the strain is beginning to show.