gérard (ggn@avignon.pacwan.net)
Mon, 08 Sep 1997 17:14:44 +0200

I practice Ultrastable Color System printing since 1 1/2 year.
I learned it from my friend Marc Bruhat, in Paris (France).
It is a 4 colours pigment transfer printing process (ex- "Charbon").
It gives the best colours prints I have seen in my professionnal career
(I owned 3 professionnals photographics labs during 18 years).
"La cerise sur le gateau" is the permanence of the pigments, tested to last
more than 500 years without fading in light.
I use it with digital, stochastic dots, separations.
It is possible to use continuous tone separations.

Evercolor does'nt use this process, but a modified Agfa Colorproof system.
