Re: output of digital negs.
John Barnier (
Tue, 07 Oct 1997 09:27:30 -0500
I agree. Imagers is very good and I use them all the time. Price for a
4x5 Tmax 100 negative or color neg or tranny is $35. That's for a file
size of up to 40mb, which is half the price for twice the file size of
most service bureaus. Unfortunately, you have to send them RGB files for
B&W negs, which cuts your effective grayscale file size by two thirds.
You will have to modify your sharpening somewhat since film recorder
images are slightly soft because of the RGB filter scanning. Try several
applications of Unsharp Mask at a low setting (50-1.5-4) in the lightness
mode of LAB color in photoshop. The bigger the file size the more
sharpening it can take before the halo appears. Remember to reconvert to
RGB. They'll also need the image in TARGA at a dimension of 4,000 pixels
along the longest edges of the image.
I've always gotten relatively consistent results with their
Check the Imagers web site (search Imagers) for their 800 phone number,
ordering information and other interesting stuff. You can also download
files to their FTP site, but with most photos that can take a very long
time--even with an ISDN line.
If anyone has question drop me a line.
John Barnier
12560 Morris Trail North
Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota 55047