I've heard that it is pretty much the same in usage as formalin though this
is just rumor mill stuff. I would also appreciate anyone with experience
passing it on.
At 12:18 PM 10/20/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm back to doing some gum prints (after a 2 or 3 year break), and just
>about to run out of my old supply of 37% formalin. Nasty smelly stuff that
>it is! I was using it 25ml per liter of water to harden 200 bloom gelatin.
>I've ordered some glyoxal from Bostick and Sullivan to replace to formalin.
>Any suggestions on concentration and/or procedure?
>Also, while looking into somewhat smooth / hot press papers for gum, the
>"paper expert" at a local art store scratched his head and asked why I
>wasn't using "Lanaquarelle" hot press watercolor paper, as it was very
>heavily sized (with gelatin) by the manufacturer. There cold press had
>been one of my favorite papers for gum (with added gelatin and formalin
>hardening). As an experiment I tried the hot press without any pre
>treatment, and again with only a formalin soak. Plain it stained badly.
>The test with only a formalin soak looked, and cleared, quite good. Does
>anyone have similar experiences, or know what other papers are made with a
>strong gelatin size?
>tomf2468@pipeline.com (Tom Ferguson)
Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857