"Many workers will object to this developer on the ground that it stains
the fingers.
This is not so. If the fingers are dipped in water before immersing them in
the developer, frequently rinsed as development proceeds, and then afterward
held in the Acid Hypo for a few seconds there will be no stain. If, on the
other hand, the fingers should become stained, it may be removed with little
trouble. A concentrated solution of Permanganate of Potash is at hand, and
also a small bottle of concentrated Sulphuric Acid. These make a splendid
reducer and so serve two purposes. Taking a teaspoon of the Permanganate
Solution and adding enough water until a very deep port wine colored solution
results, then add eight or ten drops of Sulfuric Acid. The fingers are
washed in this, become stained with the Permanganate, and are then dipped in
the Hypo bath, the stain vanishing away. If trouble is experienced increase
the strength of the Pemanganate Solution. The acid must be used or it will
not work."
I, personally, would not recommend trying this but I think the
book is very inspiring in many other ways especially as several of the 9 X
12 reproductions are blow ups from 16mm cine frames. Has anyone else come
across this old book gem?............or anything similar?
Photo graphist John Grocott (London UK)