Use of pyro in paper developer as a self-tanning agent for bromoil
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 20:17:59 -0500 (EST)
I read in a circa 1920's journal that pyro could be used as a print developer
for tanning a bromide print during the development stage for bromoil. The
print could then be bleached, or not, depending on the preferences of the
worker. If the print is not bleached and turned into a traditional matrix,
the tanned silver image could be reinforced with stiff greasy inks a la
bromoloid or Whiting's Bromotype. Unfortunately the article did not give the
formula but referred the reader to an Agfa formula of the late teens or early
20's. I am trying to find the above reference which is somewhere in my
photographic library for it has interesting possibilities ... if it works!
Does anyone on the list have knowledge or experience in this bromoil tanning
Gene Laughter