Re: photo processing on metal

George Mackie (
Mon, 03 Nov 1997 07:36:16 -0800 (PST)

Rhonda- The book by Kent Wade "Alternative Photographic Processes"
(Morgan & Morgan 1978) has a chapter on this and Paul Scott's" Ceramics
and Print" ( Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 1995) is probably a good source of
ideas for putting various images on various substrates. George

On Mon, 3 Nov 1997, Rhonda L. Nelson wrote:

> Hi, I am a new subscriber. I am taking a metal sculpture class and wish
> to put photos on the metal. Is there an emulsion that adheres to metal
> (alumninum, steel, zinc)? Is there a way to transfer a current photo
> to metal?
> Thanks for any help. Websites, books, and general advice is most
> appreciated!!
> Rhonda Nelson