I ran accross a bunch of latern slides for sale. The price appears to be
too high at the moment because I do not know what I am looking at.
There are about 75 of them each labeled
Th. Benzinger
They measure 3 15/16 X 3 5/16 in inches which I convert to very close to
10 X 8.4 cm. They ae bound in black passe-partout and appear to be colored
views of the middle east. All the labels are in old style German fonts. I
used to know the name for this font style but unfortunately the mind will
not produce it.
Can any of you provide addtional information or point me to a list or
newsgroup that could? I am very interested in getting some idea of value
for them if that does not stretch the tolerance of the grup too far.
There is also a lantern slide projector of what appears to be an
appropriate age and style from the same source. Unfortunately the slide
carrier is missing from the projector so I cannot check to see if the
slides actually fit. The projector has the two pin European style plug and
is clearly intended for large slides.
Any information gratefully received.
Thank you all very much.
Eugene Robkin