Gumoil - paper and oil

Birger Aune (
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 09:01:29 +0100

Hello everybody

I've at last managed to start some experimenting/testing into gumoil, and I
do have twoquick questions. In Kal Koenigs book he describes Fbriano
Artistico as the best paper for the process. My papersupplier only stocks
the smooth surface version in 600 gsm, which gives a pretty thick paper,
and I'm not too razy about it. I've tried some Hanemuhle papers
yesterday, but they might be a bit absorbent, I'm not getting clear

Has anyone any experience with other papers than Fabriano Artistico ?

The other question is wheter anyone has tried to use oilbars instead of
oilaint from tubes, and their experience with that ?

Birger Aune
Grunersgt. 7
N-0552 Oslo
Tlf: +47 22 37 14 44