Re: New Canon BJC-7000 7-color photo printer
Macy Garcia (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 18:10:07 -0700
>>This is where I am headed. I believe it is $500 and prints 1200 x 600 in
>>color and prints on various papers @ 3.5 pages/min.
>>The colors are normal CMY and light CMY + K (black).
>This is not correct. The seventh "ink" is a fixitive or primer which is
>laid down prior to each drop of colored ink, in order to control the
>absorbtion/dispersion characteristics. This is intended to enable the BJC
>7000 to print optimally on any paper, rather than requiring specific coated
>papers to do its best work. My sense, based only on this basic
>understanding of how it works and not on experience, is that it would yield
>little if any advantage when printing on transparency materials (no
>absorbtion to control...)
I t was ,my understanding from Epson that a "light" yellow was not needed
since yellow is light to begin with, hence Epson's 6 color printer (and
not 7 colors).
P.S. I think I'll wait for the 16Million color printer.