Re: The RAPP database

Richard Sullivan (
Fri, 05 Dec 1997 08:47:21 -0700


I am gonna do both, so there... Nyah Nyah.

All kidding aside, I've been playing with going from a database to HTML and
the conversion programs suck. Not so much do to the programs themselves,
but the fact that HTML is basically a crude mark-up language. and lacks the
power to do the kind of layouts you can do with program code in a database
report package.

The PDF reader is available for free from Adobe and all the new browsers
wil link it up if you have it installed, and it's quite amazing. Adobe is
working on release 4.0 and you can bet that it will support hyperlinks in a
much more sophisticated way than it does now.


At 02:04 PM 12/5/97 +1100, you wrote:
>Just to throw in my 2c worth on this issue (as someone who is
>basically a lurker): Stick to HTML. Not everyone (by which I mean
>me:-) has a PDF reader. A simple web page is much more convenient. By
>all means offer it in PDF as well, but HTML is _the_ common language
>of the web.

>Patrick Jordan             |
>Ariel Internet Services    |                 home of
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