Re: Paper Negatives
Richard Sullivan (
Tue, 09 Dec 1997 14:00:21 -0700
>My solution came by accident, as solutions in this world often do. I'd
>been using old sheets of Agfa Portriga, but had just bought some Ilford
>MGIV RC 16x20 to try - you know, quick and easy, no back printing, etc.
>Of course, after shooting one I realized I wouldn't get much wax or oil
>through the resin-coat, but wouldn't you know it - the darn thing peeled
>easily in two. I could peel the back half of the print right off leaving
>me a perfectly printable neg - no waxing needed!
>I've ended up with a tip (peeling the RC) and a question: how can I wax
>evenly a large paper negative, without dipping into a big ol' batch of
Our very own Peter Frederick published that trick in his Sunprinting book
back in the '70's. If Peter is lurking about maybe he can post some of his
Eh Pete?
--Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857