How about describing what your images look like with this new driver
relative to streaks, lines, skips, etc.
I may be in the market for a new ink jet printer and would sure like
to be able to print digital negs.
Al Duke
Ken Carney wrote:
> At 10:13 AM 12/17/1997 -0700, Richard Sullivan wrote:
> > It works fine. BUT... when held up to the light there
> >is visible scan lines and grittiness in the image. This was similar to the
> >results I got with the clear film base stuff that I bought for ink jet
> >printers.
> Dick: If you don't have it already, be sure to get the new ESC 800 driver
> from Epson, with super-microweave, posted latter part of Nov 97 on
> It transformed mine from a doorstop to something that actually
> worked as intended.
> --Ken Carney