Re: Sheila Metzner's "Color"

David Milton (
Mon, 22 Dec 1997 09:39:24 -0700

Interesting. I know several people that use the same paper with zero
failure rate, even with indicator stop. I DO know that the paper will get
marked if you handle it with rubber latex gloves. Your problem almost
sounds like a bad batch of paper limited to a few hundred boxes. Get
another box with a different emulsion number (lot number). Sounds like
Bill Gates runs Luminos :) My guess would be that if one sheet in the box
is exposed, they are all exposed, but just not exhibiting any signs of
exposure. Brace yourself for Luminos saying YOU fogged the paper. I hope
you didn't, and I hope they don't. Good Luck.

David P. Milton

Jan Faul wrote:

> Hi --
> I am near the end of printing an edition of prints on Luminos' paper
> Charcoal R -- and there has been an unacceptably high failure rate with
> the paper. Their paper arrives with black dots around the edges, the
> occasional exposed spots two inches from the edge on several sheets per
> box of fifty, a top sheet which is invariably marred with a curved
> static exposure line.
> In addition, Charcoal R is too easily stained (and ruined) by
> insufficient agitation (not none, just not constant) in the stop bath,
> fixer and toner. It reacts especially poorly to any indicator stop bath,
> a fact which is neither on the box nor contained in the directions, but
> which Luminos will cheerfully tell you after you have opened a $150 box
> of 16x20 paper.
> If you know anybody at Luminos, you better warn them that an
> extremely
> angry Jan Faul is going to call up tomorrow morning and demand a refund
> if for nothing else, the enormous number of sheets of stained/ruined
> paper.sitting here.
> .
> Jan Faul
> --