After waiting until 10 am, Seattle time (when in theory, our overcast skies
contain _some_ light appropriate for alternative photography processes) I
carefully loaded my brand new contact printing frame from Photographer's
Formulary with 3 strips of 4 6x6 cm negatives, spaced with the thinnest
mylar sheet I could find. (The frame pulled apart as I clamped it shut, so I
will have it reinforced by a carpenter friend of mine.)
I placed it into the overcast light, and checked it after 40 mins. Nothing.
Put it back outside until 1:20. Nothing. Chagrined at putting paper in
backwards, I flipped over the paper, and checked again at 2:30 pm. Nothing.
Put it out again, until 3:30, when the light starts to fade. Still nothing.
Maybe Seattle didn't have any UV in its skies today, I thought. Fast trip to
hardware and pet store to buy lights (peaking at 420 nm) and fixtures. Put
frame 4" under lights, waited twenty minutes. Nothing. Waited another hour.
Nothing. Waited another five hours. Nothing. Flipped paper over, and left it
in the frame overnight.
Nothing at all in the late am.
Checked paper box. Discovered that this original sheet I had been using was
different from all of the others in that it had no coating on the surface,
but was double weight. (QC slips sometimes in these things, I guess.)
Put new sheet of paper in frame. Exposed paper fully in 20 minutes.
Washed for 8 mins, toned/fixed for eight until I had something like a
toasty golden brown, used wash aid and washed according to directions. Two
of the images are almost good.
Tried microwaving, which had limited success--it left a puddle of water on
one spot, I presume that this can be corrected by using a completely flat
I have the print drying in a blotter book, since use of a drying screen is
problematic in a house with a dog and forced air heating.
I am hooked. My enlarged 8x10 negs. should arrive in the next week or so,
and if any are viewable, I'll put them on my web site.
Thanks to all here for technical advice and inspiration.
Best of returning light for alternative processes and a wonderful 1998!
Gordon Cooper
Seattle, WA