Diazo photopolymer

Galina Manikova (galina@online.no)
Tue, 06 Jan 1998 23:28:22 +0100

Art wrote:

>I didn't mention the diazo compound, it started out as someone else's
>note. I am also looking for added information on it or any other
>In reguards to the fogging. To boil down a lot of prior notes, several
>practising carbon printers had not yet found a diazo that worked as well
>as dichromate. Maybe this thread will turn up some new information.

Could someone, please, give some more information on this subject ?

- Are there healthy substitutes for dichromates, that give good results ?
("good " for me maybe a rather small tonal range, just a little better than
high contrast).

- Where can I get more information about modern polymers ?

- Is there a distributor in Europe ?

Thank you in advance,

with my best regards,


Galina Manikova,
Oslo, Norway.