Re: Mordancage

Jonathan Bailey (
Tue, 06 Jan 1998 16:47:45 +0000

At 12:28 AM 1/7/98 +0100, Jacques Verschuren wrote:
>Some time ago i came across the French word mordançage. It seems to be a
>process, which was (or still is ) in use in France, maybe by some fine
>art photographers. Are there alt-process members, who are familiar with
>the process or who may have more information? Information would be
>highly appreciated.
>Jacques Verschuren


I'd love to know what you've seen (and where) that aroused your curiosity!

There are others on this list who can give you better information than I,
as I am just beginning to experiment with this unique process. BTW, I
inquired to this list with the same question just about a year ago (check
the archives)....

Briefly, it is a process whereby a traditional silver photographic print is
bleached or "etched" and the image is reduced to it's graphic components.
Often the emulsion only partially lifts but is retained in sheets or
curtains in particular areas. It is an unpredictable process, and is often
strikingly beautiful. It was pioneered by Jean-Pierre Sudre in Lacoste,
France. He is, last I knew, still alive and working there, though he's
getting quite old.

Sudre has shared his particular knowledge with a couple of persons whom I
have met this past year. In France, Pierre-Louis Martin has a perfectly
remarkable (and large!) body of work which utilizes this process. His
knowledge comes straight from the source, and, from what I've seen, he's
certainly a master. He is a member of the group HELIOS (in Paris) and
several members of that group are no doubt listening in on this dialogue.
Mr. Martin is not on this list, but he does receive e-mail.

Here in the USA, Craig Stevens (in Savannah, Georgia) has strong ties with
Mr. Sudre and has worked extensively both in France and in the US with the
process. Mordancage is among the many things he teaches in his workshops.

Also, Elizabeth Opelenick (San Francisco) works with and teaches this process.

Hope this helps. There are others on this list who could add much to the
subject, if only they'd come out and play....

Good luck-

Jon Bailey
St. George, ME