At Wed, 07 Jan 1998 Jonathan Bailey wrote
>HELIOS is a group of photographers in France. Many of them are based in or
>near Paris. They all share a common interest in alt-photo processes of one
>form or another. Several of them are (or were) on this list, but rarely
>sign one because of difficulties with written English....
My Tailor is rich, and my englisch poor ;-)
>Several of the group attended the alt-process gathering in Bath this summer.
>They are simply a committed, small group of photographers who get together
>to share work and solve problems. They can be reached at <40 rue Coriolis
>75012 Paris>.
HELIOS is a association regrouping about 40 professionals and amateurs
interested and working with alt-photo-process. The adress changed in 1997,
and it's now
Helios 9 rue Monte Cristo 75020 Paris.
In Helios M.L.Brehant, M.N.Leroy and P.L.Martin work with mordancage but
they are not on the net.
A exhibition with about 100 pictures from P.L.Martin run in Montpellier
(south France). from january 7 to february 28 at Gallery Photo, esplanade
Charles de Gaulle, 34000 Montpellier.
Jean Pierre Sudre died in september 1997. His friend, artist photographer
Denis Brihat which exposed with him and Cordier in in MOMA of NY ( in 1967
) is the other great specialist of mordancage. He is not on the list, but
you can contact him on the mail; "" and ask if
they organise workshop.
Many articles about alternative photo process was published in 1997 in
french photographics newspapers. In the last issue of "Photographie
Magazine" (n° 90/ december 1997) is published a article about modern
practice of Ambrotype (in the n° 88 was about Calotype, n° 89 about Carbon
Martin Becka
Martin Becka