Re: Pyro processing
Mon, 12 Jan 1998 09:12:28 -0700

While pyro may not qualify to the "T" as an alt process (some would
argue) it is a step that brings us to the alt process of printing. As
you know (and IMHO), pyro is a superior developer, especially for alt
printing. I say post. Your pyro questions will be more related to alt
than some of the other threads I've seen. Ask away; there are a few
pyro lurkers out there.


Joseph O'Neil wrote:

> After lurkign for a while, I see most of the
> posting are with actuall printing, but does anyone here
> work with pyro development on thier negatives,
> or is this topci not "alternative" enough?
> joe
> B&W, Large Format Images From Southern Ontario