- use of destilled water for mixing stock solutions is highly recommended
- add the optional EDTA when rotation development is intended
- split PMK working solution for Jobo development in 2 parts (bottle 1 and 2) to compensate
rapid oxidation
- provide for an afterbath of water plus a pinch of Kodalk (2min) after fixing for better
- rinse for about 20min for better staining
A standard routine for TMY in PMK using a jobo processor may read as follows (normal development at 24°C):
1. presoak 5min
2. developing A: 4.45min
3. developing B: 4.45min
4. stop bath 1min
5. fixing 6min (fresh rapid fixer)
6. Afterbath 2min
7. Clearing 2min
8. rinsing 20min
Pyro gives great results with TMax, a film I donīt like otherwise.
For my 12x20" work which is the bigger part I practice development by inspection in trays using PMK. I prefer for this Ilford HP5+ as well as BPF 200 distributed by my Company Lotus which is an old fashioned formula very similar to Super XX.
Burkhardt Kiegeland
Lotus View Camera