Re: Pyro processing

Burkhardt Kiegeland (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 20:55:07 +0100

Since 1996 I have processed in Pyro PMK-formula about 600 sheets TMax 400 (TMY) using a Jobo ATL 2000 and Expert drum.
From the first beginnings results were very good because I was lucky enough to find in an older issue of ViewCamera Dexter Gordonīs article on using PMK by rotation developing.
Allow me to add some stuff to the very useful information already given in this thread.

- use of destilled water for mixing stock solutions is highly recommended
- add the optional EDTA when rotation development is intended
- split PMK working solution for Jobo development in 2 parts (bottle 1 and 2) to compensate
rapid oxidation
- provide for an afterbath of water plus a pinch of Kodalk (2min) after fixing for better
- rinse for about 20min for better staining

A standard routine for TMY in PMK using a jobo processor may read as follows (normal development at 24°C):

1. presoak 5min
2. developing A: 4.45min
3. developing B: 4.45min
4. stop bath 1min
5. fixing 6min (fresh rapid fixer)
6. Afterbath 2min
7. Clearing 2min
8. rinsing 20min

Pyro gives great results with TMax, a film I donīt like otherwise.

For my 12x20" work which is the bigger part I practice development by inspection in trays using PMK. I prefer for this Ilford HP5+ as well as BPF 200 distributed by my Company Lotus which is an old fashioned formula very similar to Super XX.

Burkhardt Kiegeland
Lotus View Camera