APIS 98 is going ahead as planned. There will be three exhibits together
with the event, which will last for four days.
The exhibits will be located at the Centro Cultural de Belem where APIS is
taking place and at two other locations in Lisbon.
The exhibit that Terry King is organizing will be at the Centro.
The french exhibit and the american exhibit will be at nearby locations.
The idea is to have trhe mornings for teorectical presentations and the
afternoons for practical worshops or demonstrations.
Next Friday I shall meet with a representative of the portuguese government
and I hope to secure their support for the symposium. As a trade off we may
have to send some of the exhibits to Oporto where the new Portuguese Center
for Photography and Museum are located or even do some of the events there.
See you all in Lisbon..
Carlos Gasparinho
e-mail: nop51076@mail.telepac.pt