I process all my sheet film in homemade tubes made from black ABS plastic.
I develop by rotation in a water bath and oxidation is not a problem. The
problem with the Jobo seems to be the relatively rapid rotation which
causes oxidation. In a water bath the agitation process is much more
gentle. My experience is the same as that of Joseph: tubes give better and
more consistent development than other methods and use less developer.
It is difficult to know the real extent of the health hazard with Pyro but
I think it is at least as great as working with dichromates, and I won't
touch either without gloves.
Sandy King
>> As far as pyro and sheet films, this is one case where I would
>>suggest the use of tube processing. BTZS tubes, commercial or homemade,
>>a Jobo drum, I've even used 4x5 Cibachrome drums to develop single
>>sheets of film at a time. Not just with Pyro, but for lessened expsoure to
>>all chemicals, tubes are better than tray or open tank & hangers. Plus,
>>at least IMO, tubes give you better & more consitant development, and
>>they use less developer too.
>Do they work with pyro? The Jobo is miserable with pyro do to the "slosh
>factor" causing oxidation.
>Has anyone tried doping the pyro with ascorbic acid? This might make a sort
>of Xtol-pyro blend and reduce the oxidizing effect.
>Any "real" chemists out there care to comment. Sil? Schramm? I'd like to
>give this a shot if sounds as if it might work.
>--Dick Sullivan
>Bostick & Sullivan
>PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
>NM 87506
>505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857