Re: More Pyro

Jonathon Russell (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 23:50:48 +0000


> As far as densitometer readings, they will definitely be affected. You
> really need a color densitometer to read Pyro negs properly. I've never
> done it, but I believe you would use the densitometer on the blue
> channel (?). Gordon Hutchins' "Book of Pyro" explains the procedure.

You are right Kerik. I help students learn the Zone System using PMK and
a densitomiter. Upper values (zones VII through IX) are elevated at
least two stops when read on the blue channel of our X-Rite
densitometer. The stain is propotional; slightly above the silver
density at the lower zones and taking off from there as you go up in

On a side note: I have no problem with PMK in a JOBO if I split the
developer in half.

Jonathon Russell

"Expose for the Secrets, 
 Develop for the Surprises!"