Re: shelf life of Sepia Toner stock solution

Joseph O'Neil (
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 12:07:42 +0000

At 08:49 29/01/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I have made my own sepia toner and bleach using forumlas I got off of this
>list and I am very happy with the results. What I would like to know is
>what is the shelf life of the stock solution. The Potasium
>Bromide/Potasium Feericyanide solution and the Thiocarbimide solution.
>Also, is it a good idea to mix a fresh working solution each time I use it
>or can I store that for a while too.

Hi Bob;
I've only used hte off the shelf Kodak Sepai toner, so bear this in mind
in reguards to my opinions. In my expereince Speia toner is good for about
one run,a nd should be mixed fresh before using.

I've often found that the bleach part exhausts itself long before the
toner part. I keep a bottle of (forget the exact name) ferrricyanide on
hand, and slowly mix more into the bleach bath between prints if I find it
growing weak. Also bear in mind I do a dozen or more prints at one run,
usually taking a whole afternoon or evening to do this. I spend just as
much time speia toning as I do making the prints in the first place.

The toner part seems to last longer, but even kept for a week in an
airtight container, I do not like the results, as they always seem to be
uneven to me. Maybe that is just my expereince.
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