<< Your intent is honorable, but Jeese, give us a break. If anyone has gotten
this far and doesn't know that cyanide is poisonous. is in grave danger of
being killed any moment by a host of far more subtle dangers.
I must be getting older now (nothing against old age, but I find that I start
to sound like my parents) that I like to repeat things for extra precaution
because it doesn't hurt to do so. I just thought that *maybe* somewhere in the
world there might be someone who doesn't know the danger of cyanide. If that
is the case, it is still worth pointing out.
If it is true that *everybody* knows about it already, then the most my
message can do is to show that I am stupid, redundant, paranoid, ignorant, or
whatever, but you see, that doesn't really hurt anything (esp. comparing to
the *hurt* that it might cause if someone tries the almond taste). I still
wanted to say it even though people might think of me this way, but just for
the "maybe."
Anyway, the message was not even directed to Luis (I hope he didn't take it
that way). Its purpose is for that person (if there exists such a person) who
doesn't know the danger of cyanide. If there isn't such a person, fine.