I put a 35mm Stouffer step tablet into my enlarger and arrange it so that I
could expose 6 of them on the *same* piece of APHS film, then I developed this
single piece in Dektol 1:1 and took the densities. For each step, I took the
density at the center of the step. It is not worth posting the whole thing,
but here is just a sample:
[ Set your printer or screen to fixed-size font to view the table properly.
The densities are multiplied by 100 so that I don't have to type in the
decimal point. ]
step 5: 205 217 212 204 189 177 [range = 40]
step 8: 88 91 86 92 106 101 [range = 20]
step 11: 34 29 26 34 24 22 [range = 12]
As you can see, it is very inconsistent. I don't know about the cost of pyro
developer. If it is expensive, I think it would be better to use a truly
continous-tone negative.
If you have any question or disagreement, I would be happy to hear them. The
later part of this message might be a little unclear because I am caffein
depleted and starting to get some kind of compensating effect. :)
I hope not but I think I will get some flame, but oh well ....