> I am searching for information regarding the incorporation of cremated remains
> into the emulsion for gum printing.
> I read about it being done in the 1890's; and at one time had my hands on an
> article about it but am unable to locate it now.
> Does anyone have such an article(s)?
> Have any technical thoughts about it?
> I welcome your positive comments.
> To those who find this offensive; please forgive.
> Carole
Right on, now we're talking alternative. Never heard of the articles, but
technically, since the remains are basically carbon, (not unlike the
pigments used in gum anyways) I can't see too much difficulty
incorporating them like any dry pigment if they were crushed up enough.
It is likely they might make up their own characteristic color which could
be used as one or more layers in multiple layer prints , or as a single or
multiple layer monochrome print. Let me know how you fare.