Re: Out damn spot

Richard Knoppow (
Wed, 04 Feb 1998 00:58:03 -0800

At 02:47 PM 2/3/98 -0600, Elton N. Kaufmann wrote:
>I know this is not an alt question, but I thought given the abundant
>expertise on the alt list with manipulation of photographic materials, some
>suggestions might be out there on how best to nondigitally remove the
>little black spots from a silver print whose negative has a pinhole or two.
>I've tried bleaching and knifing followed by spotting back to match the
>surround, but the repair is always very visible. My negs are generally
>either 35mm or 6x6 and seem to small to confidently spot them. Any ideas
>or references on techniques and/or materials would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> non-alt EltonK
>Elton N. Kaufmann, Chairman
>Cycloid Fathom Gallery
>P. O. Box 8129
>Downers Grove, IL, 60517, USA
The makers of SpoTone spotting fluids make somthing called Spot Off just
for this. It is probably an Iodine-Thiocarbamide bleach but I don't know
for sure.
Its available from larger photo supply houses.
Otherwise spotting out the negatives is the best way to deal with this.
It wil leave white spots on the print which can be spotted out in the usual
Trying to remove spots like this by etching with a knife is very
difficult and always leaves scars on the surface. Its an acceptable method
for prints that are to be reproduced but not for prints for direct viewing.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.