I suggest you try the same thing again, but leave out the hydrogen
peroxide (or decrease the amount). I've found that to be a source of
streaking in the past. You may also want to only use the puddle pusher
and leave out the brushing step. I think you have plenty of sensitizer
for a single coat (approx. 3 ml total). I routinely double-coat with a
glass rod. I use about 2 ml total for each coat (for a 7x17 print) with
wonderful results. My main papers are Arches Platine and (the new and
improved) Simili Japon.
> I was trying some platinotype paper with a pure palladium and noted
> streaking on the final print. A few of the strokes of the brush were
> evident in the highlight areas of skies. Am I not applying enough
> sensitizer ? I am using a 7x17 negative and am using 36 drops of
> ferric
> oxalate #1 solution, no restrainer, and 36 drops of palladium and 3
> drops
> of hydrogen peroxide. I applied the sensitizer with a puddle pusher
> initially and then smoothed it out with a hake brush and then air
> dried
> with a hair dryer. This normally does not happen with Bienfang so
> perhaps
> the platinotype paper requires more sensitizer. Any one know? I have
> heard
> the hydrogen peroxide must be fresh in order to act as a restrainer.
> Is
> this true and does the age of the H2O2 matter at all?
> Stephen Harrison