I think that on the one hand one should bear in mind that real planning for
APIS 1997 did not start until February ( Karl might say that it showed and
he is right ), but on the other hand we were planning to hold the symposium
in an established photographic establishment whereas the planned venue in
Oporto appears to be a fortress of somekind where work needs to be done to
convert it into an exhibition site with the necessary facilities. I
understand that Carlos is in San Francisco for five weeks. What is
happening to the planning for APIS while he is there ? It takes a lot of
consistent hard work to set up something like APIS. It sounds as if the
fortress site is going to need more than was needed for Bath especially as
now we have provided a 'starter' more are likely to want to come. Is there
likely to sufficient accommodation in the holiday season given the likely
overflow from the World Fair.
We were not told why the plans in Lisbon, with the modern exhibition hall
and the Minister of Culture opening the show, suddenly evaporated but I did
feel that it was all a little OTT for our needs. Can we be certain that the
necessary work at Oporto is done or will be done in time. When Dick
realised that plans for APIS 1998 in Santa Fe could not be assured he told
us a year in advance so that we could all plan for APIS 1999 in Santa Fe.
Some have suggested that the large plans are too gradiose and that a
regular APIS in Bath might be better. Personally I rather like the idea of
APIS Oporto and APIS Santa Fe and that the symposia should reflect the
international nature of the list.
While feeling a little cynical at the moment as I have had a number of fine
assurances fizzle out lately, I sincerely hope that Oporto does take place
and is successful but just in case it looks as if it might not we could use
the mini APIS planned for 4 and 5 July in Bath as Plan B .
The point is should we start planning on the basis Plan B now?
Terry King