Re: Death of APIS '98

Art Chakalis (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 02:35:04 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, TERRY KING wrote:

>> Message text written by Richard Sullivan
>> I say we do something in Europe --- Terry??? Hopefully it is on the same
>> dates as Carlos was planning because that is when I am scheduled to go.
>> Dick

> I already have the Long Gallery booked for an exhibition and the lecture
> theatre at Bath booked for a mini APIS on 4 and 5 July. The idea was that
> the exhibition could go on to Oporto.
> The Bath arrangements could be expanded if there is a need.
> Terry

On a personal note it is somewhat frustrating to try to attend something
that is a moving target. If it were a few hour car trip that is one thing
but for most of us this is major event to plan and schedule.

On the flip side making arrangements for things like this is always a
thankless job . . . us humans have a propensity to complain. I gave my
presentation during the peak heat at APIS97 and though I wouldn't
volunteer for that I still think that Terry King did a commendable job of
organizing the event.

I myself still wants to attend the show at the RPS. Nothing against
Portugal, but I think that the World's Fair will change the focus of the
event diluting the photographic content and that last minute
plans/reservations will not be possible unless of coarse you have a short
car ride to the event from home.

Sincerely, Art

Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA