
William Laven (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:03:41 -0800 (PST)

>Use of distilled water with the platinum/palladium process is quite
>important. this is especially true with water sources with high mineral
>content. I had an ex business partner who mixed our developer with the
>well water. We ended up reclearing many prints due to excessive
>minerals in the paper. He is a a good printer but got lazy with our
>process. He tried to use a water purifier from Wal Mart. Not good.
>The price for distilled here is about $.50 a gallon, and the same for
>purified which also works for most applications.
>EJ Neilsen

I think the answer also depends on the quality the tap water you begin
with. I have a double filtration system whose last stage uses carbon
activated filters. I use that water for mixing sensitizer, developer and
clearing agents and have not found any problems. But I'm also applying
filtration to water (San Francisco muncicipal water district) which isn't
too bad to start with. I know other regions have many more minerals in
their tap water so even with filtration they'd have different solutions
than I do.

Are you reading this, Dick? What does B&S use when mixing sensitizer and



Offering Platinum/Palladium printing services and workshops and tutorials
in Pt/Pd printing and other areas of photography (Zone System, etc.)

1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)
