Re: Gum and so on (from an older thread)

Hamish Stewart & Sophie Colmont (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 15:46:26 +0100

Terry King wrote
>Reccently I tried a three coat gum with Bockingford with no size, a
>hardened size, a dichromated and exposed size, and between coats size. No
>discernible difference !

Have you tried this with any other papers? I remember using Strathmore
paper (unsized) for gum printing, and it would hold up to 10 or more
printings. Later they must have changed the sizing of the paper because
the last examples I used of this paper stained very badly, so I started
sizing with gelatin. I give bockingford my normal size, but I do notice
that it is less porous than the other papers I use (Saunders Waterford
Hot & Cold pressed and Fabriano), so perhaps I should try it without
sizing..., thanks for this comment