Re: (long) Re: Permanence of Bleached Silver Prints

Richard Knoppow (
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 12:34:26 -0800

At 09:27 AM 2/18/98 -0600, Barbara N. Brown wrote:
>Christopher -
>Your inquiry is an interesting one, and I passed it along to photographic
>chemist I know. He is not on this list, so I am forwarding his reply to you
>and the alt-photo-process list.
>Hope the following helps.
>I'm not on the alt-photo list, but your question was forwarded to me by
>someone who is. (Although I'm sure that if Mike Ware is still on there,
>that he would be a good one to answer your questions.) As a research
>scientist at the Image Permanence Institute at RIT, this person thought
>that I might be able to help.

Long and intresting message snipped...
The Eaton book mentioned is back in print. The title is:
_Photographic Chemistry, In Black-and-White and Color Photography_
George T. Eaton, its now published by The Silver Pixel Press, a division
of Saunders Corp. (the same people who make the enlarging easils). Kodak
has farmed out all their publications, except catalogues, to this company.
Saunders has a web site but at last look it was still under construction
and Silver Pixel Press wasn't on it as an active link.
Its a pretty good elementary book.
Another source is __The Theory of the Photographic Process_ The original
edition and revised edition by Mees has a good section on toning processes.
The later editions by James are more up to date for theory but have
practicaly nothing on toning.
I wish this fellow were more accessible. There is a lot of conflicting
information and advice about archival processing of Silver Gelatin materials.
While Platinum and Carbon printers may not be much interested in the life
of conventional prints we should all be interested in the lifetime of the
I would also like the complete title of the book by Mike Ware which was
mentioned, if anyone has it.
The IPI seems to be the center of knowledge where permanence is concerned
but they have very little offered on their web site. I called them asking
of they had a list of published papers and was told none existed. About
all they offer is a (appearently) proprietary process, called "Silverlok".
If anyone has further information I would be glad to have it.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.