was Re: (long) Re: Permanence of Bleached Silver Prints
Barbara N. Brown (bnbrown@mail.utexas.edu)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 17:56:18 -0600
>Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 17:51:51 -0600
>To: Richard Knoppow <dickburk@ix.netcom.com>
>From: "Barbara N. Brown" <bnbrown@mail.utexas.edu>
>Subject: was Re: (long) Re: Permanence of Bleached Silver Prints
>The title of the Mike Ware book, which was referred to in the long
>original message, is: "Mechanisms of Image Deterioration in Early
>Photographs: the sensitivity to light of W. H. F. Talbot's halide-fixed
>images 1834-1844", by Mike Ware, copyright 1994, published by the Science
>Museum, London and the National Museum of Photography, Film, and
>Television (in Bradford).
>ISBN: 0-901805-78-5
>Another book that many may find useful, that was alluded to in the message,is:
>"The Chemistry of Photography" by Roger K. Bunting, copyright 1987,
>ISBN: 0-9616724-0-4
>Published by Photoglass Press, a Division of Photoglass,
>1203 Searle Drive
>Normal, Illinois 61761
>Hope this helps.