Oporto or elsewhere ?

Wed, 18 Feb 1998 15:54:23 -0500


I understand that you are concerned that no one has confirmed that they
want to come to APIS Oporto. I also understand that you need a minimum of
fifty before the Portugese authorities can initiate their conference
procedures. Are those the people who would be making the arrangements while
you are in san francisco ?

I thought that there had been a number of people who had said that they
wanted to come including for example, me.

I heard an unsubstantiated rumour that you were thinking of postponing APIS
until September.

Why don't you send out a posting to the List asking who wants to come ?
That would be a good way of confirming the position one way or another.

If you are having difficulties in setting up APIS, and I do not know if you
are, that is life. It happens to us all.

If those hypothetical difficulties would make it better to hold APIS
elsewhere, we have a plan B that we can pursue.

We need to know as soon as possible whether Oporto is going ahead so that
we can make arrangements for workshops and sponsorship and exhibitions for
Plan B so that we can build on last year's experience.

I think that we really need to know within the next few days.
