Beginning Platinum/Palladium Printing
May 30-31, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Aug 29-30, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Advanced Platinum/Palladium Printing
June 27-28, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Sept 26-27, 9-5pm, $200 (all materials included)
Zone System
Saturday, April 25, 9-5pm, $95 (all materials included)
Saturday, July 25, 9-5pm, $95 (all materials included)
All Three Workshops, $450
Beginning Platinum/Palladium Printing
This intensive hands-on workshop will teach students how to print with
these two non-silver processes. It will also include presentations on how
to make both original and enlarged negatives of the correct density and
contrast range for platinum and palladium. Since this is a contact printing
process, students should bring at least medium format negatives or,
ideally, 4x5 negatives. Negatives will be available from the instructor for
printing. Beginning students are welcome; while darkroom experience is
helpful, it is by no means necessary. Enrollment limited to 6.
Advanced Platinum/Palladium Printing
This workshop is for students who have already taken a Beginning Pt/Pd
workshop with me, either privately or through some workshop program. A
quick review of printing procedures will be offered as necessary. Students
will have available several different papers and developers to explore the
varied characteristics of different paper/developer combinations.
Additionally, there will be a demonstration and darkroom time available to
make enlarged negatives for printing. Most of the workshop time is for
printing and making enlarged negatives. Enrollment limited to 6.
Zone System
This one day workshop introduces students to the theory and use of the Zone
System as developed in the 1940's by Ansel Adams. The Zone System is one of
the most successful approaches to the exposure and development of black and
white materials, but is frequently misinterpreted and misunderstood.
Instruction includes metering procedures, exposure judgment, film
calibration and development testing procedures. Students will spend some
time photographing, applying what has been discussed and demonstrated. Fee
includes Polaroid film. Enrollment limited to 8.
William Laven, B.A., Ed.M., completed an MFA in photography at San
Francisco Art Institute in 1991. He has taught photography for over a
decade at school and workshops throughout the country, including San
Francisco Art Institute, UC Santa Cruz Extension Program, and Academy of
Art College. Laven's work has been exhibited in individaul and group shows.
See for more information and registration.
Offering Platinum/Palladium printing services and workshops and tutorials
in Pt/Pd printing and other areas of photography (Zone System, etc.)
1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)