I think that it is actually important in this case, as the defence at
least in the UK would I think have to be on the grounds of artistic merit
- as in the Lady Chatterley case many years ago.
I think she is wrong about Sturges but would find it difficult to argue
with her assessment of Hamilton (and certainly she is right about Sally
There is much law that prescribes freedom of expression, some of which I
find acceptable. In these particular cases I think the law in the UK is
certainly ridiculous (and would appear so in the UK). I expect the UK case
to be dropped pretty quickly - I hope I'm right. Some of my 'Family
Pictures' project from the early 80's - including a couple on the web site
- would almost certainly get me investigated if I dropped them in the
local chemist these days.
Peter Marshall
On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc: http://www.spelthorne.ac.uk/pm/