Re: dye sublimation prints -Forwarded
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 18:43:49 -0700

>>>I've seen firms offering "restoration" of old family photos. Retouch out
the fading, the rips and tears and coffee stains in Photoshop: then
output a dye-sub. I don't think the customers are going to be happy to
find that the restoration has faded to a ghost in 1/4 the time the
original took to deteriorate.

Right you are. Here again, Photoshop is chosen because it make it easy for
a photographer to do mediocre work to provide to the masses. It makes me
sad that so many of these so called brilliant photographers rely upon a
tool any idiot can use, and they are proud of the result. I use Photoshop,
but not as much as many readers of this list. They need a crutch I guess.

I still retouch using spot colors and my airbrushes. I bet most on this
list lack the most basic of retouching skills once common. Any reader of
this list can become fluent in Photoshop in a short time. Almost no one on
this list has any skill doing the work by hand.

Many photographers these days are proud of stuff that is best religated to
the waste bin. what is scary to me, is they want to produce pure crap on
archival materials so it will visually pollute the eyeballs of generations
to come.