Re: Dick Sullivan Post

Jan Pietrzak (
Fri, 20 Mar 1998 21:54:41 +0000

To. Richard etal

Making a living in ART is not easy as we have all Richard has
said (and we have talked about it a number of times) we need to think of
art as a form of expression...some of us will make art....some of that
art will be sold and we will (god willing) get money for it...but in all
reality do you, feel that we are driven to live and die, and not eat
because we choose to make art....think about it do most of you want to
give up what you have for your art....look at a lot of artist
backgrounds and for the most part you find support....

topic 2
Craft is the word that I have not seen come up in a mumber of
posts....yes I can still spot a print...never used an air brush but I
know what one is and how it works and given some time can make it
work....what I feel we have lost here is our sight of craft....sure I
can fix in Photoshop but why not get it done on the film....folks what
is happening is we are willing to settle for less....I am in the
processes of working on as number of image for a collection, in the
collection it is easer to do some of the negative fixing in Photoshop
yes it is but I am still making 16x20 print the old way, because I know
that they will last....the computer is a tool like burning and dodging,
contrast control....remember that in the old alt process days dodging a
print ment cosine red dye on the neg or thin paper on the contact print
frame both of which I still use when printing old negs.

ramblings from an old guy jp2/jpp