Re: Brush Marks on Platinum/ Pd. prints

Sat, 04 Apr 1998 03:05:03 -0500

Message text written by John Rudiak
> I would say it takes me less than 10 seconds
from when I pour the emulsion onto the paper till I stop brushing. I
stop while the paper is still wet and let it sink in by itself.<

To expand on an my earllier posting. Another way, which also works, is to
make sure that the paper has a 1 % gelatine size which is then dried
quickly in a blast of air, and then well humidified . Coat the paper
quickly and dry again quickly so that the solution does not sink into the
paper. Them humidify the paper again before exposure. This method works
for the papers I prefer which are Fabriano Artistico and Saunders

Terry King