I invite you all to stop in for a look.
Richard Sullivan wrote:
> I am calling on the "group mind" of the List.
> As you may be aware, Carl Weese and I are writing a book on platinum
> printing.
> First:
> You can help by e-mailing me back with your sources for materials and your
> positive experiences with the vendors. This information will be in the
> appendix. We are interested in worldwide information, Europe, Asia,
> Australia, South America, Antarctica etc.
> Areas of interest:
> Artists papers
> Equipment -- light boxes, split back printing frames, etc.
> Chemistry
> Large format film.
> and any *other* sources that you think others should know about.
> Second:
> Papers that you like for platinum and palladium printing.
> We already are including B+S's Cranes papers and Martin Axon's Platine. If
> the paper is unusual, you might also list the source.
> Your help is very much appreciated.
> --Dick Sullivan
> Bostick & Sullivan
> PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
> NM 87506
> 505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857
> <http://www.bostick-sullivan.com>http://www.bostick-sullivan.com
-- Eric J. Neilsen 505-758-8868 http://laplaza.org/~ejnasn