Re: Synteape <> Kimdura

John Barnier (
Mon, 27 Apr 1998 11:28:23 -0600

Here's the information on Kimdura:

Paper Warehouse in Minneapolius indeed carries it but you have to give
them a few days notice since they order it. It comes in 68 and 78lb.
text and 74 lb. cover in 23x35 and 24x40 sizes.

Prices: $31.68 for ten sheets (minimum) of 74lb cover 23x35
$40.95 for ten sheets (minimum) of 74lb. cover 24x40

Call Mark at 612-333-0512.

I didn't get the prices of the other weights but regardless--they sound
very reasonable. Since I live in Minneapolis I'll pick up a few sheets
and post some test results.

Hope this helps. I just got some of Peter Fredricks' Temperaprints in
the mail and was VERY impressed. They range from gum-like to virtually
C-print quality.

John Barnier