Re: Synteape <> Kimdura

Tue, 28 Apr 1998 04:31:24 -0400

Message text written by Peter Charles Fredrick
John Barnier wrote

>>Hope this helps. I just got some of Peter Fredrick' Temperaprint in
the mail and was VERY impressed. They range from gum-like to virtually
C-print quality.<<

>Thanks John, my latest work is equivalent to carbon transfer,. and then
>some, this is not boasting, but a result of careful testing, most
>processes are capable of significant extension if we throw away the
>historical perspective.

>You have to test if you wont the best ;- <


I enjoyed the four colour and fotempera work at you current exhibition but
it is so different from contemporary four colour carbon transfer work, in
Ultrastable for example, that surely it is misleading to make the

Perhaps this stems from different colour perceptions.

I also disagree on the question of historical perspective. If one does not
have bechmarks by which to make judgements there is a danger that what
one may perceive as 'progress' may, in fact, be regression.

As you know, as to testing, I believe that one has to keep a sense of
proportion. As a convinced anoraknaphobe I find it clear that anoraky (or
anorachy ?) can get in the way of the image and perception of the image.
