Carbon matrix bubbles
4/8/1998 20:48

This post is for anyone making there own carbon matrix for
the first time.
A sure method of keeping bubbles to a minimum is to
transfer your gelatin/pigment solution, while hot, into a
beaker marked for the quantity you'll need for a given
sheet size. (You"ll have to calculate this)
The beaker (which can sit in a tray of heated water)
is covered with two layers of nylon stocking material and
secured with a rubber band. Pour from this carefully
onto your leveled plexiglas of perspex and nearly all of
the bubbles will remain in the beaker. A basin of hot
water should be available to rinse the beaker and nylon
between pourings (you'll have this time while the
gelatin/pigment sets up). It helps to wring-out the
nylon and squeeze it in a paper towel to ready it
for the beaker. If the nylon remains wet you risk
diluting the solution or dripping water onto the
plexiglas support.

Phillip Murphy