Re: Terry is still on the list

Peter Charles Fredrick (
Tue, 12 May 1998 23:37:38 +0100


>>Peter Charles Fredrick <> (another fine UK
print-maker now back on the list following an absence after he offended
similarly) makes a nice looking printing frame, which works by pumping in
air rather than vacuum.<<

Thank you for the plug,
However I must call you to task over your statement (another fine UK
print-maker now back on the list following an absence after he offended
I had no wish to be dragged into this debacle, There was an attempt to drag
me into this earlier and I sent a message to Gordon H to this effect, I
have edited the exchange as I have no wish to kick a man when he is down.

>She caused Peter Frederick to leave the list. Peter
Freredrick returned when assured that Judy had truly gone<

This statement is completely wrong I did not leave the list on account of
judy, nor did I come back because she was gone in fact I came back long
after she was gone

The reasons that caused me to leave the list are twofold, firstly and most
importantly I was not getting on with my work due to wasting to much time
on addictive e:mailing and the second reason I began to become aggressive
to other members, notably John Grocott whom I unjustifiably attacked , I
was so ashamed of my actions, that I left as a form of personal punishment,
incidentally John has recently offered me the the olive branch which I have
gratefully excepted, WE have both have decided to take a mature attitude
towards to our past differences

The thing is time is so short for us all, why not try to be positive and
get on with the research and development of photo alternative processes,
and the creative imaging derived of such activity.Rather indulge in this
futile waste of time and human resource

I do not see that there is any similarity to Terrys going do you ?

However if anybody needs some info on my frames please contact me off list


Ps ,Yes I am a fine printmaker, not ego, fact. [ big headed sod] :-( To visit petes parlour gallery