* viscosity of gum
* thickness of coating
* microscopic toothiness of paper
* amount of size
* degree of hardening of size
* hue of pigment
* opacity of pigment
* the amount of dichromate ion
* the amount of water (dilution of final mix)
Oh, one more thing that I want to mention, if you consider statistical
testings, then if I test 2 degrees (or amount) for each parameter / variable,
from the above only, I will need 512 tests (2 to the power of 9). If I test 3
different amount (I lost the term to describe this), I will have 19683 tests,
which is inpossible.
But my approach is NOT statistical approach. The statistical approach is more
or less like you cannot explain the things, so you conduct tests and see the
correlation among the variables. My approach is to explain things physically
(thus the "physical model."), so the tests will not be to find statistical
data, but to verify or disprove hypothesis. When one obtains a good model,
then s/he will not need all the prohibitive amount tests because things can be
explained easier.
Sorry if all these sound too technical. I hope it is not off-topic (please let
me know if it is), and do wish me luck, will you? :)