Re: apis photograph at Lacock Abbey

Peter Marshall (
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:34 +0000

In-Reply-To: <>
> A friend of ours saw us in the picture published in a magazine in
> Brazil,
> so I suspect the photo does exist if it made it all the way to Brazil
> !!!!
> We will try to obtain copies. If you have an address or phone for
> Richard
> Morris we will contact him and find out what the situation is.

He used to be on this list - isn't he still here?

Try which is the email address from which he
posted to the list.

I imagine Terry King as organiser of both Bath APIS events would also know
about this - so you could email him.

Peter Marshall

On Fixing Shadows and elsewhere:
Family Pictures, German Indications, London demonstrations &
The Buildings of London etc: