> Dehumidifiers and water: I use a dehumidifier that collects a gallon a
> day from my basement. The trick is to sterilize the container first
> (bleach and a dishwasher) to help prevent the growth of algae if you don't
> empty it on a regular basis. Then filter the water with coffee filters to
> strain any dust that collects on the coils and drips into the vessel. It
> is definitely better than the water the comes from my tap and the price is
> right.
> Russ Dodd
But what no one has mentioned is the heat generated by the dehumidifier. I
have one in my cellar darkroom used exactly twice... the idea was to make
the summer-humid cellar more comfortable, since it's entirely below grade
with foot-thick walls of ancient schist [sic], so that air conditioning is
not possible.
The heat from the operation more than offset the dehumidifying in
de-comfortablizing the space. And if you have airconditioning, the extra
electricity to cool the heat from the dehumidifier might more than equal
the cost of bought distilled ... not to mention the labor. I mean washing
dishes is a waste of talent .... sterilizing the dehumidifier????
But anyway Russ, what do you use a gallon a day for? Something we should
know? I did try distilled water (store bought) in a few photo processes
that normally use tap water -- NOT an improvement. In a couple it was
decidedly worse, including first wash water for VDB... But then my tap
water is sweet, clear, delicious eau de New York City...